Saturday, October 15, 2011

Semana Cinco de Español

What a week!

I could sum of this week of Spanish in one word: Insanity. Spanish was interesting this week to say the least. Monday, when I arrived for class, my teacher was not there and I was informed that I would have a different teacher for a few days. My teacher was about 20 minutes late last Friday due to neck pain as she had to make a stop at the doctor’s before coming to class. She was experiencing the same pain Monday as it hadn’t gone away over the weekend. My teacher for Monday and Tuesday was Veronica. (She taught another Spring Arbor University student the first three weeks here, but hasn’t had students since then.) She was very nice, but it was hard to get used to a new teaching style and develop a relationship with someone new in such a short time. Our class involved a lot more conversing, review of many tenses I had already worked on and then conditional.

Wednesday my teacher was back again! It was nice to have her back and I realized how attached to her I have grown in just four weeks! When Delia, my teacher, came back we began conversing more and Wednesday and Thursday were great! Yesterday, Friday, was test day. It’s usually not that bad, but yesterday was killer! My test was 10 pages long and took me over two hours to complete. :/ I wanted to die, but knowing that I would get to play bananagrams afterwards got me through it! My brain was fried by the end, but I finished! Hopefully I did well. We will see on Monday! After dinner last night some people came over to our little apartment and we watched a couple movies before bed.

This week I also started volunteering at Nuestros Ahijados or God’s Child Project. My roommate, Jennifer, and I have been translating Christmas cards that the children write to their sponsors from Spanish to English. It has been quite the task, but really beneficial and fun! We will go every Tuesday and Thursday to volunteer and also bring some home to work on at night. I’m really excited about working there and all the practice it will give me! So far, so good! :)

If I had to sum up today in one word it would be: productive. This morning I was incredibly productive. I took some laundry to the lavandaría and picked up the laundry I dropped off yesterday. Then, I went to the market with my roommates and Ashley and accomplished a lot of shopping and got some amazing deals! Now, after walking through the pouring rain to Paul Nemecek’s house, I am finally able to use the internet and in a little bit, we are going to watch the movie, Inside Job.

1 comment:

  1. I am excited to hear more about God's Child Project! I love that you are able to help out in such a practical and meaningful way for this group!
    Remember, I would like to see a picture of Delia as soon as you have a chance to take her photo @ your class. (Thanks.)
    I love you!
