Saturday, October 8, 2011

Semanas Tres y Cuatro de Español

¡Lo siento, amigos! It has been far too long since I’ve updated my blog! Things have been crazy here the past few weeks, but a good crazy! Weeks there and four of Spanish lessons were intense, but wonderful! I still have the same teacher and I’m learning so much. Every Friday we have a test (as required by Spring Arbor University) to receive credit for the Spanish lessons. I’ve been doing well on them. My test yesterday was on imperfect tense, future tense, comparisons, new vocabulary, new verbs, synonyms, and I also had to write a story using different tenses correctly. It covered a lot of stuff that I learned in high school, minus the new terms, which was a nice review and refresher. It’s hard to go four years without Spanish and then jump into four hours a day of Spanish with a native speaker, but it is definitely getting easier! I’m glad I have five weeks of Spanish left! I can’t wait to see how much I learn between now and then!

We are spending this weekend in Guatemala City: three days and two nights! Yesterday we visited FAFG (Forensic Anthropological Foundation of Guatemala) where we watched a movie about what they do, received a tour of their facility, and learned a little about how they identify victims. After visiting FAFG we went to the relief map in Parque Minerva. It was a really neat map of the country of Guatemala. It was cool to see where we live and where we will be visiting later this semester!(See pictures below)
[Where I live!! Behind the tallest mountains]
[View from the top]
We arrived at the hotel a little before 4 and received Q200 (about $26) for last night’s dinner, and today’s lunch and dinner. I wandered around the city a bit with four other people scoping our restaurants and such. Around 5:20, (really early for dinner here since I usually eat at 7:15) Jen and I went to a little pizza place and it was delicious!! We got our meal (personal pizza and a smoothie) for Q59 (a little less than $8). Then our group watched the movie El Norte. It was a good day in the city!
[Our drinks (Jen’s lemonade and my strawberry/banana smoothie]
[My amazing pizza]

1 comment:

  1. Kylie, I love your happy faces in all the food pics! I haven't been able to figure out the relief map and where your group is living behind that tall mountain, but thanks for sharing pictures! (I must need pointing arrows or colorful stars or a larger photo.)
    We love and miss you! mom xoxo
