Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Feliz Halloween

Happy Halloween, amigos! I trust you all had a fun and safe day (yesterday). Monday we got back from our weekend at Lake Atitlan. We ate lunch with our host mom and then headed to class. At 4:30 I left for home to start getting ready and getting my costume put together! Aleia and I decided to go as Greek Goddesses. It was the easiest and most affordable costume idea we had. Our host mom gave us a huge white sheet to split (as it was already cut halfway), I borrowed some jewelfry and a belt from my roommate, Jennifer, and then we made crown type things with some greenery and flowers we found outside...We looked pretty good, if I don't say so myself. (You are entitled to your own opinion when you see the picture of us at the end of this post.) At 6:30 we went to the party at our Spanish school. There were tons of people there: students, teachers and host families. All of the host families brought different typical foods from Dia de los Muertos for us to sample. It was a blast and I enjoyed all of the foods (except one thing, but I still ate it)! There was a cosstume party and Aleia and I placed second, which was pretty awesome. We won ourselves 10 more hours of Spanish lessons, so 5 hours each! I still have two weeks of Spanish left, so it'll be fun to tag on a few more hours. Two other poeple from our group won first place as a news casting crew. They looked pretty great! They made their own camera out of a cardboard box and a microphone. There was even a little dancing at the party. After the part at the school, a few of us walked around town to meet up with some friends before calling it a night. It was a successful day!

[Me and Aleia...as Athena and Helen of Troy]


  1. Very nice! And you look good as a Greek! :) Glad you are having a good time!

  2. Kylie,
    I really think the costumes are great! I love the floral garland wreaths!
    Love you,
